read the clarifications
On 6 October 1995, the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (CDF) published a Notification regarding the
True Life in God messages.
The Notification had been issued without any discussions or contact with Vassula. After the Notification was issued, Cardinal Ratzinger was asked about it on more than one occasion by supporters of Vassula.
To a group of TLIG readers in Mexico on 10 May 1996 the Cardinal said:
On the basis of what you have told me in your letter about testimonies and conversions, that is very good. We only want you to proceed with discernment, - do not take as the word of God what is considered, for the moment, only human and personal. What we have said is that she should not witness in churches because she is an Orthodox and her marital status is not yet clear, being divorced, - and which we are studying. "You may continue to promote her writings, but always with discernment."
At a regional meeting of Bishops in 1997, Cardinal Ratzinger was asked by a Brazilian Bishop who was a supporter of Vassula Ryden – Bishop Victor Tielbeek – whether the Notification meant he had to stop supporting Vassula. Cardinal Ratzinger replied, '
Continue as you have been doing until now, just be prudent.'
a published interview with theologian, Niels-Christian Hvidt, in 1999, Cardinal Ratzinger was asked about the Notification and commented, "
...the Notification is a warning, not a condemnation. From the strictly procedural point of view, no person may be condemned without a trial and without being given the opportunity to air their views first. What we say is that there are many things which are not clear. There are some debatable apocalytpic elements and ecclesiological aspects which are not clear. Her writings contain many good things but the grain and the chaff are mixed up. That is why we invited Catholic faithful to view it all with a prudent eye and to measure it by the yardstick of the constant faith of the Church."
In 2000, Vassula Ryden asked the CDF to revisit her case. As a result, Fr Prospero Grech, Consultor of the Congregation, wrote to Vassula Ryden in April 2002 to ask her to clarify five matters 'to obtain a clearer idea of what you are doing'. Vassula replied at length. Finally, in 2004, Cardinal Ratzinger sent a letter to various bishops conferences who had been negative about Vassula, pointing out that she had clarified some of the difficulties mentioned in the Notification.
Later, just before he was elected Pope,
Vassula had an audience with Cardinal Ratzinger. At that meeting, the Cardinal warmly greeted Vassula but made it clear that he was not able officially to have the Notification withdrawn. Vassula asked Cardinal Ratzinger what would happen if anyone asked the CDF in future whether the Notification was still in force. He replied, '
We will say that the situation has been modified.'
When Cardinal Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI after the death of Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Levada was appointed head of the CDF in his place. Cardinal Levada was subsequently asked to clarify the current position with regard to Vassula. In January 2007 he sent out a letter the contents of which conflicted somewhat with what Cardinal Ratzinger had told Vassula during their meeting, although confirming that Vassula had clarified some of the concerns of the CDF.
An authoritative, detailed account of all the Vatican's communications with Vassula (2001 - 2004)
can be read HERE.
Read the True Life in God messages
Official True Life in God website
Queries: info@vassula-cdf.org